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Unterhalb werden 20 Seiten angezeigt, auf denen für dieses Attribut ein Datenwert gespeichert wurde.
head-gear: cap  +
Coptic Bindings  +
cord  +
corundum  +
Krakucchanda  +
settings (jewelry)  +
cross as symbol of Christ  +
descent from the cross: Christ is taken down from the cross, usually by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathaea who are standing on the ladders (both arms of Christ detached)  +
crucified Christ with Mary, John, Stephaton and Longinus  +
crucified Christ with Mary and John on either side of the cross; Holy Rood  +
crucified Christ with Stephaton and/or Longinus  +
cross nimbus  +
crown (symbol of sovereignty)  +
copper  +
lacquer  +
lacquerware  +
varnishing  +
lamb bearing cross or banner, 'Agnus Dei' ~ symbol of Christ  +